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Professional Development Alternative Activity Options

Professional Development Alternative Activity Options

Professional Development Alternative Activity Options:

  1. Register and participate in an approved teaching course or other training for the entire 10 weeks (i.e. curriculum development course, teaching in the college classroom, etc). These courses must meet for 1 hour per week. Please inform the course coordinators at the beginning of the quarter. There is no need to update the course coordinator weekly on this option.
  2. Register for and complete Social Justice Education Initiative Trainings with Jane Waite. Find out more and register here: a 1-page or less summary of what you learned at the seminar and submit to the course coordinators.
  3. Participate in Office of Institutional Diversity Social Justice Retreats. Find out more and register here: Write a 1-page or less summary of what you learned at the seminar and submit to the course coordinators.
  4. Attend Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) or Teaching Across Curriculum (TAC) workshop, seminar, or webinar. Findout more about the CTL at and the TAC at Write a 1-page or less summary of what you learned at the seminar and submit to the course coordinators.
  5. Work through training modules related to technology that we use in the classroom. For example, how to use Canvas, clickers or Symposium. Please work through the training and write a 1-page maximum summary of what you learned and submit it to the course coordinators.
  6. Observe a classroom and fill out observation/reflection form.
  7. Video recording and reflection on your teaching.
  8. Guest lecture in the large lecture with reflection and video analysis
  9. Write a draft of your Teaching Philosophy. There are samples of Teaching Philosophies under Helpful Documents on the TA Canvas curriculum site and on the following websites.

10. Create/Organize a sample of your teaching materials for your Teaching Portfolio.

For ideas see:

11. Complete a TA Evaluation Reflection based on the student evaluations of a course you have previously taught. The instructions for this assignment will be posted on Canvas.

12. Develop discussion questions based on pre-lab assignments for BI22x.

13. Develop an active learning activity to start the lab based on pre-lab assignments for BI22x.

14. Bloom one of your quizzes.

15. Update one pre-lab with current literature (i.e. write a new pre-lab based on articles, videos that are more current than current videos).

16. Develop socio-scientific issue for a lab, this includes writing a pre-lab, an in-class activity/ discussion about the pre-lab and a post-lab activity to tie back to what is happen in the lab. Ask the coordinators for a model.

17. Read the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Education, Scientific Teaching chapteror another pertinent text/document and write a paragraph summary.

18. Write a Case Study of an GTA experience that you feel would be valuable to share with new GTAs.

19. Write an Active Learning Activity to cover a lecture concept. Ideas include data analysis activity, clicker question set, discussions, or activity of your choosing. Please fill in the activity summary provided by Lori from summer institute.

20. Other (with permission from course coordinators)